Wednesday 10 April 2013

Hanafi sect exposed, part 1 - Raees Mustafa

Exposing the Hanafi sect, Sunni religion include different sub sects, all of them have a different Imam, Imam Abu Hanifa, is the most famous Imam out of the 4, as he has the most followers, exposing him through other Imams of other sub sects Sunni Imams...

Raees Mustafa in this video, publicly exposes these lies, with research and knowledge, and shows, why we Shias, don't convert as to not only the deviating beliefs, but also due to the disgusting conflicts and stupidity which lies in the religion's sub sect.

I hope this video would be helpful, and knock doors on the Eiman... Insh'allah, other parts will also come, and continue upon exposing this sect. As promised, a detailed post regarding the mentioning in the video, of the books, will be presented and referred with authority...

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